A divorce is a complex process that requires the help of a knowledgeable Fort Worth Divorce Lawyers to end a marriage. It is also a legal matter that must be finalized by the court before you can legally terminate your marriage. There are several issues that must be settled including alimony, property division, and child custody and support. In addition, there are a number of other legal matters that you must take care of before the court will issue your final divorce judgment.
The law firm of Brown Pruitt Wambsganss Dean Forman & Moore P.C. specializes in family law cases and has served clients in Fort Worth for over 25 years. It has an excellent reputation for handling high-stakes cases involving divorce, child custody and other related issues. Its attorneys are highly experienced and have an in-depth understanding of all aspects of divorce law including asset and property division.
This law firm specializes in divorce and other family-related matters such as child custody, visitation, alimony, and support. Its team of lawyers is experienced in handling contested and uncontested divorce cases. Its attorneys are highly regarded for their professionalism, expertise and client-centered approach. They also strive to make their services affordable and accessible to all clients.
Fort Worth fathers rights attorney is known for his thorough and well-organized approach to divorce, child custody and other family law matters. He is an aggressive litigator and a passionate advocate for his clients. He has extensive experience in high-stakes divorce and custody litigation and is a skilled and persuasive trial lawyer. He is also known for his compassion, empathetic nature and responsiveness to clients.
In custody disputes involving children, both parents can feel overwhelmed by the emotional and physical stress involved in resolving issues related to their kids’ custody and access. However, it’s important to remember that the courts do not make decisions based on the wishes of the parents, but rather based on what is in the best interests of the child. This is why it’s critical to enlist the help of a qualified and caring child custody lawyer in Fort Worth.
Child support is another hotly contested issue in divorce and other family law cases. In general, the courts will order that one parent pays a monthly amount to the custodial parent to assist with raising their child. These payments are often based on Texas child support guidelines. However, there are a number of situations where these guidelines may not be appropriate or equitable for both parties. Our Fort Worth child support lawyers can review your situation and provide advice on the best course of action moving forward. We can also represent you in a modification of an existing court order. If you need assistance with a child custody, support or other family law matter, contact us today to schedule an appointment. We offer flexible virtual appointments for your convenience. We look forward to working with you.